Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Maze (10/10)

Access: Acceleration Gate, T2 Battleships & Below

Note: Each room of this complex includes multiple acceleration gates, of which only one is correct; a wrong choice will take you back to the beginning. To successfully navigate it, each time you warp in, position your camera above your ship, with the front of your ship facing the top of your screen at “12 o’clock”. The correct sequence of gates across the four rooms is 9 - 9 - 9 - 3I recommend putting your character in a fleet and broadcasting the gate you take in increasing integers as you go deeper, so that if you make a mistake, you can simply take the gate with the highest number to continue to the next room.

Room 1
Initial Defenders
6 x (Elite Frigate) Various Dire Frigates (Stasis Webifier) (Warp Scrambler)
12 x (Battleship) Various Battleships
12 x Acceleration Gate (The “9 o’clock” gate leads to Room 2) (Open upon warp-in; no need to kill rats)

Room 2
Initial Defenders
12 x (Elite Frigate) Various Dire Frigates (Stasis Webifier) (Warp Scrambler)
10-20 x (Frigate) Various Frigates
15 x (Cruiser) Various Cruisers
5 x (Battleship) Various Battleships
12 x Acceleration Gate (The “9 o’clock” gate leads to Room 3) (Open upon warp-in; no need to kill rats)

Room 3
Initial Defenders
4 x (Elite Frigate) Various Dire Frigates (Stasis Webifier) (Warp Scrambler)
8 x (Cruiser) Various Cruisers
2 x (Battleship) Various Battleships
4 x Acceleration Gate (The “9 o’clock” gate leads to Room 4) (Open upon warp-in; no need to kill rats)

Room 4
Initial Defenders
6-12 x (Frigate) Various Dire Frigates (Stasis Webifier) (Warp Scrambler)
6-12 x (Cruiser) Various Cruisers
4 x Acceleration Gate (The “9 o’clock” gate leads to Room 4) (Open upon warp-in; no need to kill rats)

Room 5
(Note: for this room, you need to keep moving quickly. The station fires citadel kinetic torpedoes that hit extremely hard; prioritize killing webbing ships).

Initial Defenders (if you can tank this, the rest is pretty easy)
4 x (Stasis) Stasis Webification Tower (Stasis Webifier)
8 x (Sentry) Cruise Missile Battery
18 x (Elite Frigate) Various Dire Frigates (Stasis Webifier) (Warp Scrambler)
5 x (Destroyer) Various Destroyers
5 x (Cruiser) Various Cruisers
10 x (Battleship) Various Battleships
1 x (Outpost) Station (Stasis Webifier up to 50km, Fires Citadel Kinetic Torpedos) (23rd Tier OPE, Pith X-Type Modules, Dread Guristas Battleship Modules, Rattlesnkae BPC)

First Spawn (upon attacking the station)
4 x (Battleship) Various Battleships

Second Spawn (when station hits 1/2 Shield)
5 x (Elite Frigate) Various (Stasis Webifier)
4 x (Elite Cruiser) Various (Mostly Thermal Damage)

Third Spawn (when station hits 1/2 Armor)
5 x (Elite Cruiser) Various (Mostly Thermal Damage)
8-10 x (Cruiser) Various (Mostly Thermal Damage)

Fourth Spawn (when station hits 2/3 Structure)
5 x (Elite Cruiser) Various (Mostly Thermal Damage)
6 x (Battleship) Various

Fifth Spawn (when station hits 1/3 Structure)
8 x (Elite Frigate) Various (Stasis Webifier)
8 x (Battleship) Various

Return to the Cosmic Signature Ratting Guide.


  1. This is a sequence for anomaly-escalated maze. The regular scanned maze has a bit difference sequence. There are different methods of choosing the right one.
    1) f11 - center camera north (12 o'clock) - 8 - 1 - 4.30 - 1.30
    2) filter overview by distance. Choose 3-1-4th gate from the closest to farest. 4th room - take the rightmost gate.
    3) clock system while aligning camera to the north...
    Etc etc

    1. Note: I've run about 20 Mazes in the past year, and all of them followed the 9-9-9-3 (with the first one being between 8 and 9, actually). However, I want to preserve this info in case my experience isn't complete.

    2. I can confirm that the gate sequence depends on the fact if the site is scanned down or is an escalation from a cosmic signature

    3. Thanks a ton, just ran a scanned Maze for the first time. The second method, sorting gates by distance worked fine for me, got through the first time no prob.

  2. If you can Tank the final room, kill (outpost) Station, bookmark the can it leaves behind, and warp out. Come back a couple minutes later and you don't need to kill any of the rest of the rats.
