Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to hold your tongue. There’s always a ‘tomorrow’, and in some
situations, responding to someone’s comment, action, or decision can only lead
you to places you simply don’t want to go.
Sure, silence means you haven’t proven them wrong, and that contradicts
the very point of debate and argumentation.
This week, I wrote and discarded a few blog posts about a number of
topics I read, or comments folks made on reddit or EveNews24. Only after writing them out did I realize I
was pretty much saying the same thing again, and that didn’t strike me as
particularly helpful to anyone. So I
decided to just hush up and let the topics rest.
But that decision got me thinking about how silly all of that really is
when you’re talking about Eve. The
forums have moderators specifically because so many people post without
thinking things through carefully. The
external sites that cover Eve all have the full range of commenters, from
completely sane to bat-shit crazy.
On the surface, all that vitriol and hostility that pours out of Eve
players could strike an outside reader as genuine hostility and hatred. But Fanfest proves that even sworn enemies on
the Internet in-game can sit down and share a drink and a laugh. So there’s definitely something deeper at
work there.